The mission of Moraine Valley Community College’s Center for Disability Services (CDS) is to serve students with documented disabilities who require our services. Our purpose is to ensure equal access to students with disabilities to all college programs and to promote student independence and self-advocacy. To achieve this, we provide reasonable and appropriate services and accommodations to otherwise qualified students. We also provide support and education to all members of the college, so as to develop an environment of awareness and mutual respect.

To accomplish its mission, the Center for Disability Services will:

  • Work as a liaison for students with disabilities between faculty and staff.
  • Coordinate the process for providing accommodations to self-identified individuals with a documented disability.
  • Advise and counsel students with disabilities on personal, academic and career issues.
  • Serve as a resource to faculty, staff, and administrators on ADA and other compliance issues as they relate to students with disabilities.

To connect with a CDS staff member, please send an email to or call (708) 974-5711. We offer telephone, video conferencing, and in-person services by appointment. Please provide your name and phone number in your email or voicemail and a staff member will respond as soon as possible.

Students who wish to start receiving accommodations and services for a disability or disabilities while at Moraine are required to self-identify with the Center for Disability Services (CDS) to get registered.

In order to receive accommodations, students must complete the following process:

  1. Students must complete an Accommodation Request Form, submit supporting documentation, and schedule an intake meeting with a CDS staff member. If a student is unsure of what supporting documentation is acceptable, please see the “Documentation Guidelines” tab.
  2. After the student has submitted all necessary materials and met with a staff member, CDS staff will review the information shared and determine the accommodations that can be approved.
  3. The student is then contacted by the CDS to confirm their approved accommodations and an accommodation letter is provided.
  4. The student is then registered with the CDS and can begin using accommodations when they are ready.

Students can update or revise their accommodation letter at any time by completing another Accommodation Request Form and scheduling a meeting with a CDS staff member. 

The Center for Disability Services (CDS) uses supporting documentation to help determine a student's eligibility for services and to identify reasonable accommodations at Moraine Valley Community College. 

Appropriate documentation can take many forms and students should contact a CDS staff member if they have any questions.  Some examples of documentation include assessments, reports, forms or letters completed by qualified professionals

Qualified professionals could be doctors, therapists, evaluators or other healthcare providers who are licensed and who have experience diagnosing or treating the condition or disability.  Information from a previous school (for example an IEP, 504 plan, or accommodation letter from another institution) could also help CDS with the determination.

In general, documentation should include:

  • A statement of the diagnosed disability or disabilities
  • A description of the functional impact of the disability (including medication side-effects if applicable) in an academic setting
  • Whether the disability is permanent or temporary
  • Any recommendations for accommodations at MVCC
  • The signature and credentials of the qualified professional

Students can submit documentation in person, by mail or email. Documentation can also be faxed to 708-974-8711.

Moraine Valley Community College complies with the following federal laws to help ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to college programs and services:

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
“No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States…shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act
“Subject to the provisions of this title, no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, program, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by such an entity.”

Moraine Valley Community College is committed to the spirit and the letter of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. We acknowledge the responsibility of all staff, faculty, and students to adhere to the philosophy of equal access to opportunity.

Definition of Disability
The law defines a person with a disability as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. The definition further indicates that you are a “person with a disability” and entitled to protection from discrimination if you have a disability, if you have a history of a disability, or if you are regarded as having a disability.

An “otherwise qualified” disabled individual is defined as one who with an auxiliary aid (e.g., tape recorder, text-on-tape, note-taker) or reasonable accommodation (e.g., test proctoring, extended time for testing, sign language interpreter) can meet the academic requirements that an institution can demonstrate essential to its education program.


Use this form or call (708) 974-5711; TTY: (708) 974-9556; Fax: (708) 974-8711

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